The logistics business is facing big challenges in the operational process of storing, transporting, and distributing goods; and willingness to take risk, there are many methods that streamline the workflow, ranging from the deployment of techniques for the security of the store or warehouse, to the use of various types of pallets to protect the product.
The latter becomes a factor, because the employment of a holder that is adapted to the characteristics of the goods and allow for correct stacking, reduces the risk of falling on rework and cost overruns.
In soliplast we have shown how the choice of the pallet indicated improvement, inventory management, response times, quality assurance and the management of profitability.
Los pallets plásticos han transformado por completo la dinámica logística y el transporte de mercancías a nivel mundial, y Ecuador ha adoptado con entusiasmo esta evolución. Desde su excepcional durabilidad y resistencia hasta su capacidad para impulsar prácticas sostenibles y optimizar la eficiencia en la cadena de suministro, pallets plásticos se han consolidado como una solución indispensable para las necesidades de transporte y almacenamiento en Ecuador, marcando una pauta significativa en la manera en que se abordan estos aspectos clave en el país.
A continuación examinaremos los beneficios y usos de los pallets plastic, resaltando las características específicas de la realidad ecuatoriana, y anticipando de qué manera estos pallets pueden continuar aportando al desarrollo futuro del ámbito logístico del país.
The logistics business is facing big challenges in the operational process of storing, transporting, and distributing goods; and willingness to take risk, there are many methods that streamline the workflow, ranging from the deployment of techniques for the security of the store or warehouse, to the use of various types of pallets to protect the product.
The latter becomes a factor, because the employment of a holder that is adapted to the characteristics of the goods and allow for correct stacking, reduces the risk of falling on rework and cost overruns.
In soliplast we have shown how the choice of the pallet indicated improvement, inventory management, response times, quality assurance and the management of profitability.
South america
A pallet, pallet, pallet, pallet or pallet is a platform or structure that serves as a base to have the goods evenly and enables your movement and storage, while optimizing the processes.
This structure can be made of different materials and with various designs to prevent damage to the objects they support and facilitate your transfer with montacarga and transpalé or truck manual.
We can find many kinds of pallets, determined by the characteristics, measures and international standards, all these talk about. However, the use for which it was designed, is what should drive the choice of the best pallet depending on the product that you are going to handle.
Aspecto | Paletas de plástico | Paletas de madera | Paletas de metal |
Durability | Menos propensas a deformarse. Duran hasta 5 veces más que una paleta de madera. | Pueden astillarse o deformarse con el tiempo. | Altamente duraderas. |
Peso | Livianas. | Moderadamente pesadas. | Muy pesadas. |
Higiene | Higiénicas y fáciles de limpiar. | Pueden retener bacterias y olores. | Aunque son fáciles de limpiar, dependiendo del metal, pueden tener puntos de oxidación. |
Resistencia a la corrosión | Resistente a la humedad, corrosión y daños. | Vulnerable a la humedad, daños y plagas. | Material altamente resistente a la humedad, corrosión y daños. |
Sostenibilidad | Hechas de plástico reciclado o reciclable. | Producidas a partir de un recurso renovable. | Reciclables, pero su producción requiere más energía y emisiones. |
Costo | Generalmente más costosas que las paletas de madera, pero generan un ahorro significativo a mediano y largo plazo. | Son las más económicas del mercado. | Son las más costosas del mercado. |
El uso de pallets plásticos fabricados con polietileno de alta densidad (PEAD/HDPE) en Ecuador presenta una serie de beneficios significativos en comparación con las paletas de madera. En primer lugar, la durabilidad superior del PEAD/HDPE permite una vida útil más extensa en comparación con las paletas de madera, que pueden astillarse, deformarse o dañarse con mayor facilidad.
Los pallets de PEAD/HDPE son más resistentes a la humedad, la corrosión y los daños, lo que los convierte en una opción ideal para entornos logísticos que pueden involucrar exposición a condiciones adversas. La resistencia a la humedad contribuye a mantener la integridad estructural de las paletas a lo largo del tiempo, evitando problemas comunes asociados con las paletas de madera, como la absorción de agua y el riesgo de plagas.
La higiene es otro beneficio clave, ya que los pallets plásticos son higiénicos y fáciles de limpiar, a diferencia de las paletas de madera, que pueden retener bacterias y olores. Esta característica es esencial en entornos donde se requiere un alto nivel de limpieza y sanidad.
Desde el punto de vista medioambiental, los pallets de PEAD/HDPE son una opción sostenible, ya que se pueden fabricar con materiales reciclados o ser reciclables. Esto contribuye a la reducción de residuos en Ecuador y al fomento de prácticas más ecológicas en la cadena de suministro.
En términos de costo, aunque inicialmente los pallets plásticos pueden tener un precio más alto que las paletas de madera, su durabilidad a largo plazo y los beneficios operativos asociados generan un ahorro significativo a lo largo del tiempo. En resumen, el uso de pallets plásticos elaborados con PEAD/HDPE ofrece ventajas sustanciales en términos de durabilidad, resistencia, higiene, sostenibilidad y costos, convirtiéndolos en una elección eficiente y eficaz para las necesidades logísticas.
Ofrecemos la posibilidad de seleccionar entre una superficie ventilada o cerrada de acuerdo con las necesidades de almacenamiento de su empresa en Ecuador.
La superficie ventilada facilita una mejor circulación de aire, siendo especialmente adecuada para el almacenamiento de productos sensibles a la temperatura, como alimentos y productos farmacéuticos.
Incorporamos una barra de seguridad plástica alrededor de la superficie del pallet, diseñada para prevenir el deslizamiento de cajas y canastillas durante el transporte o almacenamiento.
Los pallets plásticos Soliplast pueden personalizarse incluyendo el logo de la marca. Ofrecemos opciones de marcado en screen o en alto relieve, permitiendo destacar la identidad de marca en cada unidad.
Aunque nuestros pallets plásticos son originalmente de color negro, en Ecuador brindamos la opción de personalización con una variedad de colores, como rojo, azul, verde, amarillo y gris, para adaptarse a la estética y preferencias específicas de su empresa.
This pallet has a body double that allow you to hold liquids in the background, avoiding to touch the floor and produce pollution, debris, or accidents. These liquids can be the product as such or waste of this.
Make a proper use and handling of certain substances considered as dangerous or harmful to human health, such as corrosive elements or other inputs other flammable, has become a topic of great importance in the industrial sector.
This is due to provide security for the system of employees in Ecuador, especially to the interior of the companies, and being able to act certain national rules in force, it has become a premise of corporate social responsibility.
It is for this reason that we have classified what products should be transported in pallets, no spill. Subjects who, due to their composition, physical-chemical, must be transported and/or stored in pallets plastic non-spill with specific characteristics.
There are different types of explosive products such as nitrogen, rockets, dynamite, and gunpowder, fireworks, and the devices or elements that trigger that must be handled with pallets, leak-proof, which will allow the successful containment of these hazardous materials.
These types of items should be stored in a consistency liquefied or compressed or cooled. They can be classified, depending on their level of danger, such as:
In this type of dangerous elements you can find different flammable liquids such as alcohols, solvents, paint, gasoline, and esters.
This type of materials may have some type of reaction in spontaneous combustion or expel flammable gases that may come into contact, representing a danger, with items such as:
Los pallets plásticos se han consolidado como una alternativa sostenible en la gestión logística y el transporte de mercancías, y esta preferencia no es sin razón. Existen diversos motivos que respaldan la elección de los pallets plásticos como una opción más amigable con el medio ambiente.
En primer lugar, la sostenibilidad de los pallets plásticos radica en su durabilidad. Fabricados con materiales plásticos de alta calidad, como el polietileno de alta densidad (PEAD/HDPE), estos pallets superan en resistencia y longevidad a sus contrapartes de madera. La durabilidad superior no solo reduce la frecuencia de reemplazo, sino que también minimiza la generación de residuos y la demanda de recursos naturales.
La capacidad de ser reciclados y fabricados con plástico reciclado constituye otro aspecto clave de la sostenibilidad de los pallets plásticos. En comparación con los pallets de madera, cuya producción puede contribuir a la deforestación, la fabricación de pallets plásticos no implica la tala de árboles. Además, la opción de utilizar plástico reciclado contribuye a la reducción de desechos plásticos y a cerrar el ciclo de vida del material.
La eficiencia en la cadena de suministro también se ve favorecida por la sostenibilidad de los pallets plásticos. Su diseño uniforme y peso ligero facilita la estandarización en el manejo y almacenamiento de mercancías, optimizando el espacio de carga en camiones y almacenes. Esto conlleva a una reducción en las emisiones de carbono asociadas al transporte, ya que se maximiza la capacidad de carga y se disminuyen los viajes necesarios.
La resistencia a la humedad y la corrosión de los pallets plásticos también juegan un papel crucial en su sostenibilidad. A diferencia de los pallets de madera, que pueden degradarse y perder integridad estructural cuando se exponen a condiciones climáticas adversas, los pallets plásticos mantienen su forma y resistencia, prolongando su vida útil y reduciendo la necesidad de reemplazo.
Los pallets plásticos se erigen como una alternativa sostenible en virtud de su durabilidad, capacidad de reciclaje, eficiencia en la cadena de suministro y resistencia a condiciones ambientales desafiantes.
Al adoptar pallets plásticos, las empresas no solo pueden mejorar su huella ambiental, sino también beneficiarse de una gestión logística más eficiente y económica a largo plazo. La elección de estos pallets no solo representa una decisión consciente, sino también un paso hacia un enfoque más sostenible en la gestión de materiales y recursos.
These pallets can withstand pressure or load for a long period of time in different types of racks, such as Drive-in or update Rollup, Selective and Dynamic; in addition, they can be exposed to low and high temperatures from -40 to 70 degrees celsius and can withstand a load of 8,000 kg (80-q) in floor and 1,400 kg (14 q) in a rack.
Pallets shelving Soliplast are designed so that, according to the type of rack (Rack Selective Rack, Drive in Rack Dynamic) you can make the most efficient use of its load capacity and storage.
In them you can store products such as:
These are just some of the examples of the different types of products that you can distribute a pallet storage shelf Soliplast.
Its high strength makes this palette does not represent any risk for the operation and optimizes the handling of cargo.
Its design allows it to withstand a weight on dynamic loads from 1000 kg (10q) and 5000 (50q) kg in static. This is the suitable for transport with montacarga, because it has entrances on all four sides.
Inside pallets for the floor there are some other sub-categories that further adjust the details of each product, some of these allow you to store in arrume black and/or house of cards (stacking at multiple levels).
These pallets plastics are designed to achieve a charging stand much more weight on the floor. What makes them perfect allies for transport in vehicles of montacarga.
This is thanks to which they can be manipulated from its four sides. Some designs of our company offer the possibility of storing in arrume black or house of cards.
These plastic pallets allow you to store products such as:
Also known as One Way or pallets to packaging or packaging, these have been designed to comply with all the norms of international and for the optimization of the processes, by this even though they are less resistant can be much lighter and it is recommended that at the time you mobilize the load is enzunchada or narrowed.
After seeing all of these specifications, the question that arises is what is the material that has the versatility to achieve this offer. The truth is that you can make pallets with various materials, but the current trend is to use pallets and plastics. This positioning should be just to the resistance, hygiene and savings they represent.
The pallets plastic Soliplast, type export, are items that are designed with special characteristics, which will provide a suitable design to ensure the smooth transport of goods through international routes.
Among the many products that can be transported over pallets for export, we can mention some such as:
Are the most widely used in the logistics industry around the world, this is due to your great advantage: the price. However, it has several points against that are discourage their use, as the negative impact generated by the environment by cutting down trees and the difficulty of its maintenance: cleaning and fumigation.
In addition, this pallet has major disadvantages in the export, because in the country of destination are subject to phytosanitary inspection, which adds time to the process, and if the wood pallets have any sign of fungal or pest, it opens up the possibility of a quarantine for the goods. This additional time, it is a cost overrun of fewer and fewer companies are willing to take.
Among other things, the regulation of wood packaging ISPM 15 established by the United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture, is fixed in the process of preparing the pallet and its treatment, to deliver to the pallets certificates a tag or label control that identifies them. In case of non-compliance with the requirements imposed penalties on the offenders, these measures may end in the destruction of the goods for health risk.
However, these stretcher plastic continue to have strength in the market because they have a good cycle life and resistance.
The requirements in force in the international market, the increase of freight rates and the lack of current availability of other alternatives, have turned this option on one of the more viable.
Contrary to the wood, to the disadvantage of the pallets, plastic may be the price, but this is just an appreciation surface, because long-term, the durability of this material may make this choice in a significant savings for companies.
On the other hand, their characteristics have also become attractive because their process of disinfection and cleaning is much more agile and do not require maintenance for repair, because his manner of manufacture is by injection, and gives as a result a single piece.
Contrary to what you may believe, this alternative is much more friendly to the environment, because those pallets that have completed their useful life can be used as a feedstock for the production of some new or other products.
One of the initial doubt to which users can address this type of material is that they tend to warp, but these have been shown to withstand very well the pressure of the weight.
In addition, these pallets are also resistant to temperatures below – 40 °C and + 70°C.
The polymer of natural origin mixed with plastic is a material that is a little unconventional, because, despite being a substitute ecological wood -an advantage-requires to be joined with brads and screws, such as the traditional wood, which means that you must have some kind of maintenance. In addition, its metal parts, can be a source of generation of bacteria. Within its advantages is the price, lower the pallet made completely in plastic.
The long shelf life of these pallets and its stiffness are very attractive for certain industries, but its materials (steel or aluminum) makes them much heavier than the other options.
In addition, if we compare the 1,500 kg (15q) in motion and 4,000 kg (40q) in static load that can support a pallet of metal, it is evident that emerging materials such as plastic, represent a more economical choice, because they provide the same resistance without increasing the cost of transportation for their individual weight without load.
The weight and resistance of this type of pallets that cannot be compared with the previous, because it has different uses, it is much more lightweight and easy to handle, so the load should be much lighter.
Its price is clearly lower than other alternatives, but its shelf life is shorter in length, can be damaged very easily.
The only thing that is left to say in front of the materials used for the production of pallets, is that currently there is not a material that combines best resistance, waterproofing and weight as the plastic. Remember that all types of pallets-according to the functions - which we saw in the first part is plastic and this shows his versatility.
Los pallets plásticos facilitan el movimiento y la carga de productos en camiones y contenedores, lo que ayuda a reducir el tiempo y el costo de transporte. Sin embargo, es importante que las empresas tomen en cuenta la calidad de las estibas que utilizan, ya que estibas mal construidas o de baja calidad pueden causar daños a los productos y a la maquinaria, y aumentar el riesgo de accidentes.
Tenemos pallets diseñados para diferentes funciones:
Una opción ideal para optimizar el espacio en almacenes y bodegas, permitiendo el apilamiento seguro y ordenado de productos en estanterías.
Los pallets para almacenamiento en piso se utilizan cuando no se dispone de estanterías, ya que permiten el apilamiento directamente en el suelo.
Los pisos plásticos modulares son una alternativa resistente y duradera a los pisos convencionales, ideales para áreas de alto tráfico y exposición a líquidos.
Los pallets One Way tipo exportación se utilizan para envíos internacionales, ya que son ligeras y resistentes, y no requieren ser devueltas después del uso.
Son ideales para el manejo de sustancias líquidas o peligrosas, ya que cuentan con una superficie antideslizante y un borde elevado para evitar derrames.
The pallets plastics, developed through a process of injection of polymer, they feature a cutting-edge technology known as foamed structural or Structural Foam.
This manufacturing process gives you, the final product a few thick walls and solid with a low weight, thanks to the mixture of HDPE with Nitrogen, which allows the pallet to be robust and therefore has a better performance in different storage scenarios.
In this sense, accompanied by a correct handling of the equipment mobilization, the pallet will have a useful life longer.
This type of pallets plastic Soliplast are manufactured under the highest quality standards, with High Density Polyethylene raw material, which is spearheading the process of injection of polymers or foamed structural.
Now that we talked about why it is important to use the technique of foaming structural in the manufacture of pallets and plastics, it is necessary to understand what are the major advantages provided by the use of the same strategies storage or transportation of freight in an enterprise:
The use of HDPE, low-foaming structural, in the manufacture of pallets plastic, allows the product to have greater flexibility at the time of the storage or transportation of goods.
The pallets plastic, designed under a model of polymer injection, are lighter than other manufactured with other materials. This will provide a lower overhead to the time of transportation or storage of goods.
Various pallets plastic Soliplast have a shelf life up to 5 years.
Lower investment in the medium and long term: post to multiple pallets plastic Soliplast have a shelf life up to 5 years, you'll have to invest much less on repurchase of conventional pallets.
The specialized components of our pallets plastic Soliplast allow them to have a resistance to physical and chemical much higher.
The pallets plastic Soliplast are recyclable.
HDPE, allows the pallets plastic manufacture in Soliplast meet with some characteristics of manufacturing suitable; to be colorless and in terms of colorimetry next to the opaque.
Now that you know more about what are the great benefits of the injection of polymers, we invite you to meet our different types of pallets plastic Soliplast.
To begin talking about the importance of the use of the pallet polyethylene in the industrial market, it is necessary to discuss his most notable benefit, and this is no more than the savings are so significant in terms of spending on conventional pallets that a company should do to maintain a stock of tools, which, in turn, allows you to perform, successfully, all its operations of loading, unloading, storage, transport and distribution of goods.
However, it is not the only advantage that would have a company to run its operations, by means of the pallet polyethylene, or plastic.
Some of the most important qualities of polyethylene implemented in pallets plastic, they are:
Then the polyethylene, precisely the one used in Soliplast (HDPE) or Polyethylene High Density, it is one of the most resistant on the market, so that their properties become accurate for all kinds of logistics solutions for businesses that use them.
Therefore, we want to know what the benefits are more relevant to use pallets polyethylene in your company. Please take note ✍!
Benefits of using pallets polyethylene in your company | |
They are much lighter | One of its most prominent advantage is the consistency of a weight much lighter than that of the conventional pallets of wood in the market. |
Impermeability | Factors such as the water and other liquids are items that do not affect the durability, strength and consistency of the pallet polyethylene. These retain their original characteristics. |
Increased strength and durability | The pallet polyethylene, or pallets plastic Soliplast have a better resistance than wood; for these, with the passage of time and the conditions of saved, go spoiling, minimizing their life, durability and physical composition. |
Safety | The pallets of polyethylene are waterproof, so they will not arrive on the inner bacteria that may affect the chemical and physical composition of the products. |
Friendly with the environment | Our types of plastic packaging Soliplast are manufactured with recycled materials, allowing that, at the end of their useful life, they are also recyclable at 100%. |
Easy to clean | Have you ever cleaned a pallet conventional? If so, then you already know how annoying it is that process, if you do not have the tools and knowledge to be able to do it. Clean up a pallet of polyethylene Soliplast is very easy. |
Customization | In Soliplast do pallet of polyethylene under strict standards of quality; in addition, we can also manufacture your products with the logos of your company, so you'll give your seal of quality, and will show your allies the importance that you give to your work of logistics distribution and storage responsible. |
South america
Continuing with the theme of the international standards, for these are the dimensions of a pallet are also important. The most recognized in the world are the pallet american and the europallet that we will see in more detail below.
Also known as isopallet, pallet or industrial pallet universal.
World renowned as europaleta or europalé.
We must make it clear that there are other measures available on the market, as of 1165×1165 mm, 1100×1100 mm, 1067×1067 mm and 1016 x 1219 mm, but these are not frequently used.
This aspect is related to the movement of cargo, the number of entries limited form of transport.
As well as the number of entries determines part of the process, the surface of these can generate some advantages:
The logistical needs specific to your company are the ones that will determine what is the better pallet, however,I present to you the most used by the sectors of the primary and secondary of the economy.
Difficulties in the use of wooden pallets
Solutions that bring the pallets plastic Soliplast
Needs of the industry
Soluciones que brindan los pallets plásticos Soliplast
Needs of the industry
Soluciones que brindan los pallets plásticos Soliplast
Difficulties and needs of the industry
Solutions that bring the pallets plastic non-spill Soliplast
South america
As we have already mentioned, the material is where there is the greatest difference in the prices. With the intention of making a more in-depth analysis only talk about the two that have more strength in the market: the pallet of plastic and wood.
Calculation is carried out with the reference of pallet of floor ER-100S-4E-V1, and under a basis of purchase of 1,000 units.
Paletas de Madera | Paletas Plásticas Soliplast | |
Precio promedio (USD) | $ 9,19 | $ 34,51 |
Años de vida útil* | 1 | 5 |
Única inversión (USD) | $ 32.870,00 | |
Inversión Anual Equivalente | $ 9.190,00 | $ 6.574,00 |
* Vita útil sujeto al tipo de operación de cada cliente |
In Soliplast we have strategic partners who help us to distribute our pallets for Latin America, through which the transport costs of our products and the minimum amounts can be made more flexible.
In Ecuador we have Plastic Dalmau as official distributor of our pallets in Quito.
Still don't know which is the best
pallet for your business?
We have created a content to help you choose, in it you can find uses for different kinds of pallets according to its material, functions or measures, and recommendations to solve the needs related to pallets for the transportation and storage of products of some industries. This information will surely be very useful for you, read us!
This information will certainly be useful to you. ¡Léenos!
Sell-pallets or pallets in cities such as Quito, Guayaquil, Cuenca, Santo Domingo, Machalala and many more cities. In addition, we also have available here our rater of pallets:
We have several channels of attention in Ecuador to all of our customers. Know here what they are and talk with our consultants commercial: